Old Eyes and Young Trees
Eventually the twain shall meet
Smith Lake Flyers Spring 2019 Float Fly
They roll out the green carpet, literally
Building FlyingRC.net Protector Sets
Making what I couldn’t find
My Joe Nall 2016 Goal a Success!
Once again good people make it happen
Long-Term Goal Revised
The real world shortens my reach
The Diagnosis Is Not The End
Your questions help better define the purpose of my efforts
Radio Control Flying vs. Alzheimer's
It’s helping another RC’r!
Setting a Longer Term Goal
Flying a giant scale P47 at Joe Nall is a good one
Changes at FlyingRC.net
Responding to your requests and suggestions
Mercy Crashing a P51
I couldn’t bring myself to sell it to anyone
News Flash! – I’m Not Perfect
And I proved that twice at the flying field – on the same day
1st Annual RC Wingers Helicopter Fly-In
Lots of helis, lots of pilots and lots of fun
I Wanna Be a D and a Half Pilot
The middle of a couple roads can be lots of fun
Managing My RC Time
It gets compressed when you know about the end
Radio Control Helicopters
Strengthening the connection between my eyes and hands
RC Wingers 2013 "War birds" Fly-In
A day of fun in Mooresville, NC
What Is a RC Flying Field?
A designated, prepared site is crucial to safety and fun
Whirlybird Money Pit
Aborted “brainercise” plan