I always thought a push button for throttle kill was not a good idea. Turns out
changing to a toggle switch isn't very tough.
Text, photos and video by Tom Hintz
Posted – 8-2-2013
Warning! This modification will certainly void any warranty you have left on your Spektrum DX6i. Also it is up to you to be safe throughout this process and in its use later. Just because you put in a nice kill switch does not mean you get to be dumb around your airplane. A throttle lock out is another level of safety but it is not perfect, especially if you forget to turn it on.
Also, if you have not already enabled the Throttle Cut button do that in the second Setup List. Change the Throttle Cut from INH to ACT to enable this button.
First, remove the prop from the airplane and the batteries from the transmitter. It won’t help the safety effort if you short out the radio or ding your fingers in the prop which very well could still spin during this procedure, particularly testing later.Next, remove the six screws holding the back cover of the DX6i and carefully lift that up and to the side. There are three groups of wires that run from the back to the main part of the transmitter. One closest to the bottom left of the TX is easiest to unplug and gives you sufficient access since the switch we are concerned with is in the upper left corner of the TX when viewed from the open back.
Find the back of the Throttle Cut button and remove the two small screws that hold that assembly in. You will have to pull this little circuit board off to pop it free from the button on the front panel which will fall free when this assembly separates. Once you have the Throttle Cut board free, use a soldering iron to remove the two wires from the circuit board.
The upper screw boss is in the way of a mini toggle switch so I used a pair of side cutters to nip off as much of that boss as I could, then used a sharp chisel to remove the rest to flatten the area for the toggle to sit on. This is easy as the plastic used is very soft and cuts away easily with a sharp chisel. If your toggle is larger you may have to remove the lower screw boss as well.
I used a mini SPST (single pole single throw) toggle switch that has two wire lugs on the rear. I tinned those lugs and then soldered the Throttle Cut button wires to the toggle switch lugs. I just guessed which one went where. Since there are only two wires we should be able to turn the switch upside down if the ON and OFF positions are not where we wanted them. Then I temporarily installed the toggle, put the back of the case back on the TX with a couple screws and re loaded the batteries. (Remember to plug the wire back into the circuit board if you unplugged it)
While I am sure I shouldn't have to tell
you to have the prop off during this
operation, I know I have to tell some of
you anyway.
With the prop off of the plane I turned on the TX and then plugged in the batteries in the plane. The toggle should kill the throttle in one position and give you full throttle in the other. I turned the toggle in my TX so that ON (motor runs) is up and OFF (motor doesn’t run) is down. You can put it in whatever position is easiest for you to remember.
One thing I noticed is that with the toggle in the ON position, the planes motor would run at low RPM with the throttle stick all the way to the bottom of its travel. I cured this by dialing in about -58 in the throttle Sub Trim. I seem to have just as much throttle as I did before.
Once again, test the new toggle to be sure that it disables the throttle stick in the off position, and then enables it when turned on. When satisfied tighten down the toggle switch, reinstall the back cover and test it once again.
That’s it. It took me about half an hour to install the toggle switch and test it. I like that I now can disable my throttle and have not lost any other functions in the radio. Plus, this is a global switch that does not need programming into each plane in the Model Memory.
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