You might think you know about these goggles but read this anyway. It might
save you a mini-sd card in the process.
Text, photo and video by Tom Hintz
Posted - 10-23-2015
Update: After all of this back and forth I lucked out and the company I bought the Fat Shark Dominator V2 from issued a refund and I was able to get the V3 locally. That review is in progress and will be presented on this site soon.
When I ventured into FPV quad racing there really wasn;t much choice in the "goggles" I would get. The Fat Shark Dominator V2 are virtually anointed by the masses as the leader and for flying, I totally agree. However, this Review "Preview" is the first I have ever done because I came across something that needs to be said right away.
The Fat Shark Dominator V2 have a DVR of sorts built in that allows you to record your flight on Mini-SD memory cards. Great idea. The problem once again lies in poorly written instructions and Fat Sharks' apparent unwillingness to recognize the issue in a meaningful way on their site.
If you record as per the instructions, stop the recording with the button push per the instructions and then remove the Mini-SD card there is a good chance that you will kill the video and perhaps the Mini-SD card and, according to Fat Shark support, you could also damage the mechanism within the Fat Shark Dominator V2 headset.
When I contacted Fat Shark about this I got a tersely phrased answer asking me to "Please don't remove the SD card while the goggles are still powered , it will corrupt the files and damage the card or the card reader in the DVR. Please try doing it properly and powering off the goggles BEFORE removing the card."
Now I had been using the enclosed instruction manual and went back to be sure I hadn't miss read something. The possible damage to the Mini-SD card and/or headset is not mentioned and neither is the required sequence to prevent this damage. I suspect the person responding to my question knows all about this and is tired of the consumers not divining the correct way to use their product.
At this writing I have two Mini-SD cards that appear to be dead (say Memory Full when I try to format them in the Fat Shark Dominator V2) and I have no idea if this did anything to the DVR mechanism within the headset. I guess I have to try another Mini-SD card to find that out.
Watch for my upcoming review of the Fat Shark Dominator V3!
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